Useful links
World leading groups in Phase field Model
From: Xinbo Qi’s blog
- Prof. Ingo Steinbach @ ICAMS
- Prof. Christoph Beckermann @ University of Iowa
- Prof. Alain Karma @ Google Scholar
- Prof. László Gránásy @ Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Prof. Long-Qing Chen @ Penn State University
- Prof. Ruben Juanes @ MIT
- Prof. Gunduz Caginalp @ University of Pittsburgh
- Prof. Mohsen Asle Zaeem @ Missouri S&T
- Prof. Mikko Haataja @ Princeton University
- Prof. Peter Voorhees @ Northwestern University
- Prof. Dierk Raabe @ Max Planck Institut
- Prof. Jiangyu Li @ University of Washington
- Prof. Nikolas Provatas @ McGill University + Easter egg
- Prof. James A Warren @ Google Scholar
- MICRESS Software
- Prof. Robert Spatschek @ MPIE
- Prof. Britta Nestler @ KIT
- Prof. W. Craig Carter @ MIT
- Prof. Harshad Kumar Dharamshi Hansraj Bhadeshia
- Prof. Tomohiro Takaki
- Prof. Yunzhi Wang @ OSU
- Dr. Kumar Ankit
Search Engines
- Ruo Li: AFEPack, Xinbo Qi: tutorial Heyu Wang: Installation
- Open data science platform powered by Python: anaconda
- DUNE Numerics
- E. Hairer: Software for nonstiff, stiff, differential-algebraic, Hamiltonian, and delay equations
- FEniCS
- Automated system for the portable solutions of PDEs using FEM: Firedrake
- Weizhang Huang, R D Russell: 1D Moving Collocation Method (fortran77) MOVCOL
- Useful packages collected by John Burkardt
- Gryphon, a module for time integration within FEniCS
- Matlab source codes collected by John Burkardt
- SONM: Decentralized Fog Computing Platform
- SSP, Strong Stability Preserving Methods
- 2D, 3D mesh generation Meshgen by Evan
- Collection of Mathematical Software
- A Simple Makefile Tutorial
- Boundeless High-quality content and resources for all your teaching needs.
- Course: Numerical Methods for PDE’s by Marc Spiegelman
- Course: Advection / Hyperbolic PDEs
- Caffe tutorial
- Deal.ii, fenics … codes by Praveen C 1 2
- Course and workshops (Python, Matlab, FeniCS, FreeFem++) in Scientific Computing organized by Mike Sussman
- Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
- Fenics tutorial by Jaroslav Hron
- Fenics tutorial by tum, mathematical modeling and numerical simulation in porous media
- Github tutorial
- Hands-on Python Tutorial by Dr. Andrew N Harrington
- Het vak Nederlands
- Introduction to C++ Programming I by Ian Aitchison and Peter King, 1997
- Markdown tutorial [1, 2.]
- Neural networks for solving PDEs
- Numerical methods for hyperbolic system by Eric Sonnendr¨ucker
- Practical Programming books
- TensorFlow tutorial
- Theano Tutorial
- 在Matlab中画图中图
- Docker-从入门到实践
- Arxiv
- Communications in Computational Physics
- Journal of Computational Pysics
- Journal of Scientific Computing
- Transport in Porous Media
- [SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis}({:target=”_blank”}
- SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing